Celebrating 50 years
Of Celtics Rugby in Toledo
Friday through Sunday June 21-23 2024
Toast to 50 Years of Grit, Glory, and Good Banter: You're Invited
Calling all Ole Boys Curmudgeons, Sideline Hecklers, and fans – join us as we celebrate our enduring legacy. Let's toast to the memories made and the friendships forged. All are welcome to this historic gathering – come share in the joy and relive the glory!
The Toledo Celtics Rugby Club was founded in 1974 with the efforts of Bill Bengle and Mike Fosnaugh wrangling a host of men from all over Toledo into a cohesive lot of ruffians, athletes, ner do wells and miscreants. This Spring, The club celebrates 50 years of competing in the founding traditions of those men. Physicality, Comradery, bone crushing elegance, and blue collar charm have become the hallmarks of the clubs performance on and off the pitch.

If you have laced up the boots and donned the green shirt with us during the last 50 years you understand the sacrifice, the joy, the friendship and the competitive passion we mutually experienced. We encourage your attendance in the upcoming celebration of North West Ohio’s premier Club. Come relive the best of times with the best of friends as we honor the greatest team sport in the world and recognize men that have contributed to the tradition of the Toledo Celtics Rugby Club.

The weekend of June 21-23 2024 we will be hosting matches for all age groups and celebrating the sport before and after kickoff. A 50th anniversary party will take place Saturday evening, attended by members of five decades of Celtic Rugby. We want to see you there.
Bring a friend
All are Welcome
HOTELS - Downtown Toledo.
No room blocks are reserved. Please contact hotel and make your reservations directly.
Hot dog Eat-A-Thon
Wed 6/19 5:00pm
Rudy's - 3208 W Alexis Rd
Drinks Social
Thru 6/20 5:00pm
Doc Watson's - 1515 S Byrne Rd.
50th Anniversary Banquet Party - Hosted by the Toledo Celtics Rugby Club
Fri 6/21 6:00pm
Mad Ave Building Downtown - 1600 Madison Ave
Open Call Matches - Sterling Park
Sat 6/22 11:00am
WOMENS - 11am
Ole Boys Curmudgeons/Saggy Balls - 12pm
A-side vs Detroit - 1:30pm
Post Match Afterparty
Sat 6/22
with Detroit RFC
Bronze Boar - 20 S Huron St.
Sunday Morning Brunch
Sun 6/23
Time and place TBD
Banquet Party
6:00PM Happy Hour
6:30PM Dinner
7:30PM Awards & Presentations
Payment Options
$50/person - Old Boys & their guest
$25/person - CIPP Registered active players & their guest
Please add names of all who are attending.
Toledo Celtics Rugby - 50th Banquet
Mail Check to:
Toledo Celtics Rugby - 50th Banquet
4925 Westcliffe Court Sylvania, OH